pad bai kapho (พัดใบกะพ้อ)
A small, round to heart or
with a short handle and woven from the dried
leaves of the
fan palm, a kind of palm
tree known by the scientific names Licuala
sqinosa and Licuala paludosa, and which in Thai is called ton pho (ต้นพ้อ)
or ton kapho
The fans have a somewhat cup-like form. They
originally have a light, natural colour, though some fans, or certain parts of
it, are dyed into bright colours. They are a well-known product from
Nakhon Sri Thammarat.
similar palm-fans known as
bajiao shan (fig.),
are often exquisitely decorated with typical Chinese patterns and designs, and
used as decorative items. Sometimes called phad bai krapho (พัดใบกระพ้อ),
which may also be transcribed pad bai krapho.
