Sun Wukong (孙悟空)
Chinese. ‘Grandchild understanding emptiness’. Name of a
mythical monkey, with acrobatic skills and a child-like playfulness, but also
with a cunning mind. He was born out of a magical rock made of the primal chaos
and which was fostered by the rays of the sun and moon for 1,000 years. After
realizing his mortality he set out on a journey to find immortality and became a
disciple of the
xian Subhuti of whom he acquired the 72 earthly
methods of transformation and the power of cloud-traveling, enabling him to
jump 54,000 km in a single leap. He received three magical hairs from the
Yin for use in dire situations and obtained a magical golden
staff (fig.) which was originally used for measuring sea water depth and flood control
by holding down the sea, thus causing the sea to be turbulent. This staff could
be shrunk down to the size of a needle and kept behind his ear, as well as
expanded to gigantic proportions, as big as a pillar. Known as a troublemaker he
was invited to Heaven by the
Jade Emperor, who
promoted him to be the guardian of the Heavenly Stables, hoping that would make
him more manageable. After being excluded from a royal banquet however, he
rebelled against Heaven and stole a
Peach of Immortality, subsequently achieving
immortality (fig.),
though in another story, he
breaks into the Underworld and
crosses out his name from the record of living souls, hence granting himself
Although feeling guilty about it at first, he continued to be a nuisance to
everybody until the heavenly authorities decided to try and subdue him. He was
caught and locked into the
caldron, in order to be distilled into an elixir.
However, after cooking him for 49 days, the cauldron exploded and Sun Wukong
escaped, stronger than ever, due to the magical fumes. Finally the
was called in to help, who eventually subdued him and trapped him under a
mountain for five centuries, until he offered to serve
Xuanzang, the Buddhist
monk who was destined to make the pilgrimage known as
or, in English, as Journey to the West. He was accepted as a disciple but not before
being tricked into putting on a magical headband that couldn't be taken off, allowing Xuanzang to control
and rebuke him. Also known as the Monkey King (fig.) or Magic Monkey, and in Thai called Sun Ngokong (ซุนหงอคง)
Heng Jia (fig.).
The fictional character of Goku (fig.),
a popular Japanese cartoon, is based on the character of
Monkey King.
