Chinese tea house
Public establishment in
or of Chinese origin, where primarily
but often also other refreshments, are served. It
typically doubles as a social meeting place. In the past, especially in larger
businesses, also entertainment, such as
Chinese Opera,
was provided. Though tea houses are in
Chinese commonly known as
cha guan (茶馆),
cha wu (茶屋) or
as cha lou (茶楼) if the house has more than one storey, larger establishments that also offer entertainment, are
usually referred to as cha yuan (茶园),
literally tea
yet ‒since it is a place where people gather for social interaction‒ the word
yuan is here perhaps better translated as a site
used for public recreation.
One famous such establishment of the past is Dangui (丹桂) Tea House in
Shanghai, which name means Orange
and was coined on the Chinese term for Tea Olive (Osmanthus fragrans), also the
city flower of Guilin (桂林), which in turn literally translates as
Tea Olive
forest. It was the earliest theatre offering
Peking Opera (fig.) in Shanghai, a concept that proved to be so popular, that besides
the original tea house, built in 1867 by Liu Weizhong and later referred to as the
Old Dangui Tea House, a second branch was opened in 1884, which was consequently
called the New Dangui Tea House. See
tea ceremony.
