Wiphawadi Rangsit (วิภาวดีรังสิต)
Thai. Name of a princess
of the
who was born on 20 November 1920
as the eldest daughter of Prince
and known by her maiden name Wiphawadi Ratchani (วิภาวดี รัชนี),
until her marriage to Prince Piyarangsit Rangsit, the son of
Rangsit Prayoonsak
the Prince Regent of
from 1946 until his death in 1951.
inherited her father’s gift for writing and was celebrated
for her fiction writing, using the nom de plume Wo Na Pramuanmark
(ว. ณ ประมวญมารค),
i.e. W. (Wiphawadi) at
(Wang) Pramuan, her childhood
residence and the name given to the printer shop built in lieu of
the former parental residence near
Bang Luang (คลองบางหลวง), near Charoen Phaat Bridge (สะพานเจริญพาศน์). A member of the Thai royal family, she was also
renowned for her developmental work in rural Thailand. She was
killed on 16 February 1977 by communist insurgents while on a
routine visit to
Surat Thani
Province. While flying to her destination in an army helicopter, she
heard a radio message about two Border Patrol policemen wounded by a
landmine, and thus ordered the flight to detour in order to pick up
the wounded men and rush them to hospital. However, flying at low
altitude the helicopter was attacked and crippled, while the
princess was seriously wounded and died an hour later. In
recognition of her services to the country, the King elevated her to
the higher royal rank and awarded her the highest level of the most
Illustrious Order of the House of
February 16th is
now known in Surat Thani as Wiphawadi Day and Wiphawadi Rangsit
Highway, which connects
Don Meuang
Airport (fig.)
was named after her. The Wiphawadi Rangsit Foundation, founded by
her husband Prince Piyarangsit Rangsit, ensures the continuity of
her charitable work in the southern provinces. Her name is
alternatively transcribed Vibhavadi Rangsit.
