Name of an
educative establishment that combines a
museum with a
snake farm
and nursery,
as well as with a thrilling snake show that takes place in an auditorium known as the
Naga Theatre. The museum is an edutainment
museum which not only educates visitors but also aims to give them an idea on
how it feels to be a snake, with some of the displays set up in a surreal
forest-like environment from the viewpoint of a snake. Explanation is provided
on how snakes are born, hunt, survive and reproduce, often using videos and
interactive materials. The snake farm has a special department for nursing, with real snake
eggs and baby snakes, whilst the show gives a thrilling illustration of how
snakes are handled and milked for venom. Siam Serpentarium is set up so that it
follows a certain path from start to end. The show begins inside a
large replica snake's egg, where visitors are shown a short
educational movie on the life of snakes, with the inner shell being
used as the movie screen.
After the video, the egg opens up and the visitor, as if hatching
from the egg, enters a replica forest-like environment akin to a
newborn snake, observing the environment from the perspective of a
snake, with other animals and objects displayed in extreme big sizes
and thus able to walk underneath and between the legs of larger
mammals, such as bovine animals, akin to a crawling snake. The next hall has
displays of enlarged microscope models of the different kinds of scales that
snakes can have, depending on the species, each model with a small
framed piece of real snake skin that visitors can touch or rub to
feel its structure. From here a giant edifice of a snake
mechanically open its large mouth through which the visitor enters
into the belly of the snake where videos and other displays show how
snakes inject their venom into prey, how they unlock their jaws to
be able to swallow a large prey and how prey travels through its
elongated body
and gets dissolved in the stomach. One corner at the back of the
giant snake has a video on snake genitals, explaining that snakes,
like lizards, have not just one, but two penises, called hemipenes.
After leaving the snakes inner body, the visitor now enters a
gallery with live snakes kept in terrariums. They claim to have more than
70 species of snakes from around the world. At the end of the
gallery is the snake farm and nursery, which can be observed from
behind windows
so not to disturb the animals nor the workers. Finally, visitors
arrive at
Naga Theatre, where it is demonstrated how
snakes, such as some highly venomous
Monocled Cobras
and a non
Mangrove Catsnake,
are handled. The snake
handlers also demonstrate how the venom is milked from the snakes'
fangs in order to make antivenin.
See also