South China Sea
Name of a significant
maritime domain that borders the southern shores of China, the Philippines,
Borneo, a northern section of Indonesia, and mainland Southeast Asia. Its area
of circa 3,500,000 km2, which equals about 2.5% of the ocean surface, includes
Gulf of Thailand
the Singapore
Strait (fig.),
and the Strait of Malacca (fig.).
China, it is called Nah Hai (南海),
i.e. ‘South Sea’;
Vietnam (fig.),
it is known as the East Sea, and in the Philippines it is referred to as West
Philippine Sea. In the past, it was also called the Sea of
Champa Sea, after the
Champa Kingdom (fig.)
of central and southern Vietnam. Being the second most used sea lane in the
world, with one-third of the world's maritime shipping passing through it, the
South China Sea is of tremendous geostrategic and economic importance, annually
carrying over 5.3 trillion US Dollar in ship-borne trade. Additionally, it is a
crucial source for the fishing industry which despite its rather small area
accounts for about 12% of the annual global fish catch. This is mainly due to
the Spratly Islands, an extensive collection of countless small atoll reefs
spread out over a surface area of more than 425,000 km2, where fish come to
spawn, after which the eggs and larvae are carried all over this sea by the
currents. The South China Sea is also rich in oil and methane hydrates, i.e.
natural gas encapsulated by ice crystals. These lumps of minerals are formed at
the seabed where the temperature is very cold and the pressure very high thus
allowing for ice crystals to form around natural gas, waiting to be extracted,
though at present only a few countries have the technology for this, with China
being the only one in the region. World reserves of methane hydrates are
estimated to be more abundant than oil and gas combined, and the supplies from
the South China Sea could purportedly power the Chinese economy for at least a
century. These huge reserves have caused several countries to make competing
territorial claims over the South China Sea, which has regularly lead to
conflicts over disputed and often unrealistic claims and grabs, thus remaining
an ever potential hazard, especially with China claiming almost the entire area
from the coast of Guangzhou and Hong Kong (fig.),
southward and right up to
the borders of Vietnam, the Philippines and Borneo, including all of the Spratly
Islands, as its own kind of Mare Nostrum, leaving the said nations with only a
narrow strip of territorial waters. The South China Sea is also dotted with
small rocks and —however small they may be— sovereignty over each rock or
sandbar comes attached with a 12 nautical mile territorial sea around it,
entitling the owner with all the fish, oil, gas, and mineral resources within
it. This has prompted China to make some artificial islands near Taiwan, and
—together with the grab of some uninhabited islands just off the coast of the
other nations, as well as their claim to all of the atoll reefs, rocks and
sandbars in this huge area, allowed them to create a large zone of
territorial bits and pieces to
which they lay claim, with utter disregard to the sovereign rights of the other
nations involved.
The 2016 arbitration tribunal in The Hague has rejected China's claims to
economic rights across large swaths of the South China Sea and ruled that these
Chinese claims have no legal basis and yet the Chinese continue to disregard
that ruling.
