The Stock Exchange of Thailand
A juristic entity set up under the Securities
Exchange of Thailand Act, which started operations on 30 April 1975
and serves as a
for the trading of listed securities. The Stock Exchange of Thailand
(SET) provides the essential
systems needed to facilitate securities trading and to undertake any
business relating to the Securities Exchange, as well as any other
business approved by the Office of the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC).
Besides this, the SET provides investor education through market
surveillance and information dissemination. It further promotes
financial planning and encourages the general public to become
shareholders in a variety of local industries, while providing
related services connected to such activities. The SET also supervises
listed companies and members, as well as information disclosure and
trading, and operates under the legal framework laid down in the
1992 Securities and Exchange Act. In Thai, it is known as Talaat
Laksap Haeng Prathet Thai (ตลาดหลักทรัพย์แห่งประเทศไทย).
See MAP.
