Oriental Honey Buzzard
Common name
for a diurnal bird of prey, which is also commonly known as Crested Honey
Buzzard, and with the scientific designation Pernis ptilorhyncus. There are
several subspecies and the colour and pattern of its plumage varies
extraordinarily across its range, though all are generally greyish-brown above,
the colour of the under body ranges from cream to blackish-brown and tends
to be either blotched, mottled or streaked. These birds appear long-necked and
have a rather small, bluish-grey head, that somewhat resembles that of a pigeon.
The length of the feathers on the hindcrown varies considerably, with some
subspecies having a distinct crest. This raptor soars on flat wings and
has six so-called fingers on the tip of its wings (fig.). The Oriental Honey
Buzzard gets its name from the fact that if feeds mainly on the combs, larvae,
pupae and adults of social
bees, hornets and
wasps, although it will take other prey too,
such as
reptiles, frogs, small mammals, and young or injured birds. To protect
themselves from the stings of the bees, wasps and hornets they prey on, all
honey buzzards typically have scale-like feathers around the eyes and forehead,
which serve as a shield. In Thai, it is called yih-ao
i.e. ‘bee hawk’.
