Daikoku (大黒)
Name of the Japanese God of Wealth and
one of the
Seven Gods of Fortune worshipped in Japan (fig.),
the others being
Hotei, Jurohjin,
Fukurokuju, Bishamonten, Benzaiten or Benten-sama, and
In art, the latter is often paired with Daikoku,
whom is also referred to as Daikokuten (大黒天). In the Butsuzozui compendium, a
late 17th century AD collection of Buddhist iconographic sketches, he is listed
and illustrated with six different manifestations, including a feminine form
known as Daikokunyo (大黒女).
Whereas Daikoku
is the nipponized form of
Mahakala (fig.),
i.e. the terrible and
destructive form of
Shiva (fig.),
Daikokunyo is the
nipponized form of
Mahakali (fig.),
the terrible form of
Parvati (fig.).
This household deity is usually portrayed holding a golden mallet and wearing a
flat black hat with a golden brim.
