Delacour's Langur
Common name for a
species of Leaf Monkey, with the scientific
name Trachypithecus delacouri and endemic to
Vietnam. It is slightly larger than most other
Lutungs, and has a long, black and rather
thick tail. Its fur is predominantly black, with a
distinctive creamy-white lower rump, belly and outer thighs, as if it wears a
pair of white shorts. Its head is black, with a tall and narrow crest, while the
black face has silvery-white beard-like hairs on the sides, though in some
individuals this whitish colouring may extend to behind the ears and to the
forehead, and sometimes even to the top of the head. Females are similar, but
smaller, and have an additional patch of pale fur in the pubic area. Like other Leaf Monkeys, Delacour's Langurs
are herbivorous and hence spend
most of their lives in the canopy of trees. This monotypic species is listed as
critically endangered, with currently only between 200 to 300 individuals known
to live in the wild, specifically in the rugged limestone rainforest of Cuc
Phuong National Park in northern Vietnam.
