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kumaan duht rok (กุมารดูดรก)

Thai. ‘Child sucking a placenta’. Name of a Thai figurine that is used as a charm. It consists of a naked baby sitting down with its knees pulled up and sucking on a placenta that is still attached to the umbilical cord. The newborn symbolizes a pure soul and before the charm will be effective it needs to be consecrated by a highly knowledgeable monk, one who has Aphinya. After the monk's incantation, the charm is believed to bring on a good life and protect anyone who sees it against starvation, akin to a child that sits comfortably in the mother's womb where it is provided with plenty of food and warmth. Also transliterated kumahn duhd rok, kumaan doot rok, kumaan duhd rok, or similar. See also TRAVEL PICTURES.