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Small Indian Civet

A species of civet with the binomial name Viverricula indica. It is found in South and mainland Southeast Asia (fig.). The Small Indian Civet is a small mammal with a slim body, short legs and five toes. It has a rather long head, with rounded ears and a pointed snout. It weighs roughly about 5 kilograms and may grow to a length of about 63 centimeters. Its fur is sandy-gray with blackish or brown, horizontal lines or patches, that run parallel along the back, from the shoulder to the tail, as well as blackish or dark brown dots, on the sides and belly of the animal. The tail, which has a length of up to 43 centimeters, has seven dark brown or black rings. The male civet has the musk-gland between the anus and the testicles, which secretion has medicinal value and is used to treat inflammation and to reduce pain. It is also known as Lesser Indian Civet Cat or Musk Cat, and in Thai it is called chamot chet (ชะมดเช็ด) or chamot chiang (ชะมดเชียง). See also Large Indian Civet (fig.).