Scorpion Fly
Common name for a
flying insect with the scientific designation Panorpa communis and in Thai
known as
malaeng maengpong. It is
also referred to as Common Scorpion Fly and may also be spelled Scorpionfly.
Males that occur in Thailand
have a body and abdomen that is
blackish above and pale grey to whitish below,
whilst the tail and elongated, nozzle-shaped head are a
brownish red to orange. At the front, the segments
of its body armour have a pale grey to whitish edge, making the body dorsally appear to
be black with whitish rings. The male's
tail-end has a bulbous
sting-like appendix, purportedly used for holding the female during mating, and
which is reminiscent of a scorpion's tail (fig.),
hence the origin of the name Scorpion Fly. The male's wings are clear with blackish
veins and a spotted pattern, with patches that are larger toward the apexes. It
has legs that are greyish brown to black, large
blackish eyes, and black antennae that are about the same length as its body.
Females are similar but the reddish orange tail
lacks the bulbous
sting-like appendix, and the wings are translucent
with thick blackish veins at the base, while the wings' apexes are blackish with a
transparent spot at the centre.
