Silvery Gibbon
Common name of a critically
endangered species of
with the scientific designation Hylobates moloch, and also commonly
known as the Javan Gibbon. In the wild, the
Silvery Gibbon lives exclusively on the Indonesian
island of Java, where it dwells deep in the rain forests. This
primate is diurnal and arboreal, descending only rarely to the
forest floor, and feeds on fruits, leaves, and flowers. There is no
apparent sexual dimorphism and adults
have a silvery greyish to blackish fur, with darker markings on the
chest and cap and with lighter grey to white fur on the hands,
around the face, and around the crown. Sexes can de distinguished by
their call, which is more variable in females. There are less than
2,000 Silvery Gibbons in the wild and the species is in serious
danger of becoming extinct, due to deforestation and thus habitat
loss, but in part also due to illegal pet trade, which leads to the
killing of breeding females in order to
easily capture their babies, thus reducing the potential future
reproductive rate for the species.
In order to help the future survival of this species, several zoos
operate Silvery Gibbon breeding programs. In Thai, the Silvery
Gibbon is known as
sih ngun (ชะนีสีเงิน).
