Name of a species of semi-large butterfly, with the binomial name
Stibochiona nicea. It has a wingspan of
about 6 to 8 centimeters and is a deep velvety black above, with a row of
marginal black ‒often rather heart-shaped‒ spots on the upper-hindwings, that in males
are bordered
snow-white outwardly, yet
bordered blue inwardly, but are inwardly green-bordered in females. In addition,
there are series of minute bluish-white spots along the outer margins of the
wings, that form curves at the apex of the forewings. The underside is mostly
purplish black, with bluish-white spots and markings. It has a large brown
tongue and the head is marked with two white spots over two white slanted bars.
The antennae are black with yellowish-brown tips; the legs are black with white
joints. It perches with its wings flat. This species feeds on animal droppings. In Thai,
this species is known as
phi seua tara
morakot (ผีเสื้อธารมรกต),
‘emerald creek butterfly’
‘emerald rivulet butterfly’.
