Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Common name for a
small raptor, with the scientific designation
Accipiter nisus. It has a slaty-grey
upperside and a barred tail, whilst the its underside is white with faint
orange-rufous bars. It belongs to the family
Accipitridae and is also known as the Northern Sparrowhawk or simply the
Sparrowhawk. It is a resident throughout Europe and northwestern Africa, as well
as in the
Himalayas, and while it occurs as
a breeding summer visitor in most of northern Asia, it is a non-breeding winter
visitor in southern and southeastern Asia, as far West as the eastern part of
northern Africa. The Eurasian Sparrowhawk
has dark brown upperparts and pale underparts, with brown bars on the breast and
belly. It has orangey-yellowish eyes, a small bill, short, broad wings, and a
long tail, and females are overall larger than males, a phenomena known as
reverse sexual dimorphism and typical in birds of prey.
In Thailand, this raptor occurs in the northwestern region, and
is known as
yih-ao nok krajok yai.
